Fishing Crew Recruitment Agent

Requirements for Working on Foreign Fishing Vessels
Maret 13, 2020

PT Ocean Jaya Samudra – is a legal entity company that has a commitment to prepare and print prospective Indonesian workers or fisherman crew that are professional, quality, and highly credible so that they are ready to compete in the international world.

Our company is located on Jl. Kh.Yunus No.27, Bojongsana, Suradadi, Tegal, Central Java 52182. We are trying to expand employment opportunities for the people of Indonesia by channeling Indonesian workers to work abroad, especially in the field of fishing boat crews.

Prospective fishing boat crews will be given training and quality improvement programs by applying a work competency approach to become a PPA that is ready to jump in and compete on the international scene. This was done as an effort to improve the standard of living, dignity and dignity of the Indonesian people.

In addition, PT Ocean Jaya Samudra’s recruitment of prospective fishing boat crew is aimed at helping the success of government programs in the field of labor, helping to reduce unemployment rates in Indonesia, as well as helping increase foreign exchange or state income.

This excellent program has certainly received good reception from the government. Evidenced by SIUP Intermediate with Number: 510/20 / 11.22 / PM / VI / 2016. Which means we are a legal entity company.

There have been many alumni from PT Ocean Jaya Samudra who have worked abroad and proven successful. It is unfortunate if you miss work opportunities abroad, especially the field of shipping that has wide open employment opportunities.

If you are interested in working in the field of shipping, especially fishing crew, then you can directly contact PT. Ocean Jaya Samudra. We will train you to be accepted to work abroad, especially in this field of shipping.

Contact us below for registration and further information:


: +622836148515
: +6281911496606
: +6281327797517
: +6281327797517

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